Credible Survey Credible Survey Date MM slash DD slash YYYY 1. Rate Credible's ability to allow the generation and maintenance of a complete client/patient record based on legal, ethical, and professional requirements: 5 More Than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not applcable 1. Comments2. How well does Credible allow for clinical documentation that reflects the details of our services to our clients/patients? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 2. Comments3. Does Credible allow you to complete your clinical record keeping tasks in an efficient manner? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 3. Comments4. Rate Credible's ability to allow you to exercise our (Keystone/OLA) established clinical practices for client/patient records. 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 4. Comments5. To what extent does Credible accommodate customization to meet the needs of our client/patient population? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 5. Comments6. To what extent does Credible accommodate customization of our clinical documents, forms, funders, and other practices in the system? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 6. Comments7. At this point in time, how user-friendly do you find this new EHR system? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 7. Comments8. How well does Credible allow for clinical documentation that reflect individual client/patient wishes regarding the content and use of their own records? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 8. Comments9. How well does this EHR system allow you to gain smooth and easy access to established records in its system? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 9. Comments10. Rate ease through Credible in making client/patient health records available to other authorized users: 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 10. Comments11. Based on your understanding of this EHR security features, how well does Credible account for HIPAA security of privacy and confidentiality, and protecting against unauthorized breaches of client/patient health information in its system? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 11. Comments12. Rate the overall efficiency/use of Credible for our professional, legal, and ethical clinical record keeping requirements. 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 12. Comments13. How well has Credible met your expectations that were set during our research of EHRs and the company's sales process? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 13. Comment14. Rate the training, user education, and support offered by the Credible Implementation and Support Team (past, current, and future expectations of trainings) 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 14. Comment15. How many Credible trainings have you taken so far? Three or more Two One None 16. What is your level of satisfaction with Credible Behavioral Health as an Electronic Health Record software program? 5 More than Adequate 4 3 Adequate 2 1 Less than Adequate Not Applicable 17. Please share other comments of importance regarding our acquisition, current use, and expectations for future use of Credible. Δ Share this:FacebookLinkedInPrint