Haven Club Registration

Haven Club Mission

The Haven Club furthers the mission of Our Little Haven by fostering relationships, raising awareness and providing support to the Our Little Haven Board of Trustees, staff, and community.

Through social gatherings, events, and special projects, The Haven Club is proud to support Our Little Haven as they help children and families.

As a member it is important that you are invited to participate in Haven Club activities, events, and meetings. To better communicate important dates and opportunities for help, we would like each new and returning member to complete and submit the form below.

Each member is asked to commit their time to attending at least one of the four social events (happy hours) and participate in one of the two Haven Club special fundraising events either through attendance, sponsorship, or volunteering.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Chris at cmunoz@ourlittlehaven.org (314) 669-9386.. Thank you and welcome to the Haven Club. We are glad you are here.



Haven Club Membership Registration 2021

Haven Club Registration 2021

  • New members to fill out only. Returning members please omit.
  • We understand that currently things are up in the air. Please attend events in which you feel comfortable. Currently we only have one event scheduled: HC BBQ at OLH Sunday, July 25th.
  • Currently we have only a few opportunities to participate. Please participate if you feel comfortable. No worries either way.
  • It would be great to share something about you to the Haven Club via our AMAZING Friday emails. Anything you would like to share? Go crazy....maybe I can share a story with no name and we can all guess who it is. Up to you.
  • In an effort to recognize your desire to increase your level of participation in Haven Club and other opportunities for Our Little Haven, please feel free to share your thoughts going forward. This will help our leadership reach out to those that are interested in additional responsibilities. Always remembering that we are invitational rather than expectational.
  • In order to successfully host the fundraising events, it is crucial that we work to reach out to potential sponsors of not only Haven Club events but support opportunities for Our Little Haven in general. Please select some options below if applicable.
  • It is our goal to continually share items about Our Little Haven so that your understanding of our impact in the community continually grows. Please tell us any topics or questions you may have regarding any aspect of Our Little Haven.
  • Please attach a picture that we can share on the secure Haven Club page. Or you can email that to cmunoz@ourlittlehaven.org. Unless you already have one on file.
    Max. file size: 50 MB.